Senior leaders are often elected by the company’s executive board and most managers are either selected from the workforce or hired laterally to meet the needs. In a democratic country the people choose representatives that help build sustainable communities by promoting critical issues in the central forums that run the government. That is where the […]
Vikram is a designer and works at Unbridled Limited, a start-up. He is upset with the ‘restrictions’ put by the brand guidelines at his organization. He discusses his frustration with his friend, Hanna, over a cup of coffee. Below is an excerpt from their conversation. I invite you to think about the situation and what […]
With Sachin Tendulkar, one of cricket’s outstanding players retiring millions will miss an endearing figure that gave the world joy and a reason to love a game. I have followed the game closely for many years and learnt immensely from Sachin’s engagement on and off the field. Here are a few that I believe communicators […]