Inclusion Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Comms Internal Comms Careers Internal Comms Challenges Internal Comms Goals Internal Comms Profession Internal Comms Trends Internal Communication

My interview on Masters of Comms podcast

Had the opportunity to share my thoughts on inclusive internal communications in the Masters of Comms podcast run by Sociabble. Read more here: Listen to the episode here:

Purpose purpose communication Vision Communication

Why Organizations Are Missing the Mark with Their Purpose Statements

Organizations spend significant time and resources crafting Purpose or Mission statements that encapsulate their vision, values, and strategic goals. Yet, despite these efforts, many companies fail to embed this Purpose meaningfully within their workforce. The disconnect isn’t in the formulation but in the execution – turning Purpose into a living, breathing part of the organization. […]

Best Workplaces Certifications Employer Branding Employer Branding in Australia Employer branding in EU Employer Branding in Poland GPTW Great Place to Work how to be a top employer brand How to build employer brand

3 Strategies to Communicate Your Employer Brand Certification Effectively

Getting a Great Place to Work (GPTW) or best employer certification is a significant achievement. But what happens after the certification is crucial. Often, companies miss out on extending the benefits of such accolades. They don’t communicate effectively with their staff or stakeholders, leading to a lack of recognition and engagement. Here’s how to make […]

Australia Digital Communication Digital Media Digital Workplace Inclusion Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Comms Careers Internal Comms Challenges Internal Communication Internal Digital Strategy Intranet

Step Two Community webinar | Inclusive Internal Communications | August 8, 2024

I had the pleasure to speak to the Step Two community on the topic – Voices from the Heart – Partnering with Staff for Organisational Success on August 8. A big thank you to Rebecca Rodgers for the opportunity and to all the participants for your fantastic questions on measurement, influencing leaders, and getting started. […]

Employee Brand Employee Branding Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Comms Internal Comms FAQs Internal Communication

How Can Internal Communications Enhance Employer Branding?

This article was first published on the Institute of Public Relations website: Rethinking Employer Branding The world of work underwent a significant shift in the wake of COVID-19, prompting organizations to reassess their strategies for attracting and retaining top talent. Central to this recalibration is the concept of employer branding – how a company presents […]

Business Communication Deskless worker communication Deskless Workers Frontline workers Measuring communications Non desk workers Non-desk work communication measurement

FAQs on Non-Desk and Frontline Worker Communication and Measurement

Engaging and effectively communicating with non-desk and frontline workers is vital for the success of many industries. This FAQ addresses common questions and concerns about communication practices and measurement strategies for these essential segments of the workforce. Q1: Who are non-desk and frontline workers? A1: Non-desk and frontline workers are employees who do not work […]

#ICList Artificial Intelligence Book Review Future of Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

Book Review | Internal Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Monique Zytnik

Monique Zytnik’s Internal Communication in the Age of Artificial Intelligence offers a pioneering overview into the intersection of AI and internal communication, marking a significant contribution to the field. As one of the first books of its kind, Monique delves deep into how AI and immersive technologies are reshaping organizational communication landscapes. I interviewed her […]

Artificial Intelligence Future of Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Comms Internal Comms Challenges Internal Comms Fad Internal Comms Profession Internal Comms Trends

Spotlight on Artificial Intelligence in IC | Edition #36 | Monique Zytnik | Keynote speaker | Published author | Podcaster | IABC EMENA Region Incoming Chair

Is AI going to transform how we think about internal communications? What are the risks and challenges? What can internal communicators and leaders do more to stay abreast of the changes and adopt AI better? Learn more about AI in Internal Communications in edition #36 of Intraskope’s Spotlight Series with Monique Zytnik who spoke to […]

Digital Communication Digital Media Linkedin Linkedin Company Page Management Linkedin Personal Brand Social Media

Transforming Your LinkedIn Company Page through Engagement and Growth

Maintaining a dynamic LinkedIn company page is crucial for enhancing brand visibility and engaging with your audience effectively. This case study explores how a home-grown, unconventional electric vehicle start-up based in Hyderabad, India, is revolutionizing its online presence on LinkedIn. Identified Pain Points: Associated Risks: Strategic Solutions Implemented: Discover how this electric vehicle start-up addressed […]

Leader Personal Brand Linkedin Personal Brand Personal Brand Personal Branding

🔍 Struggling to Manage Your Online Presence?

Many leaders feel overwhelmed by the thought of managing their LinkedIn profiles. Fear of not doing it right, uncertainty about getting started, and concerns about consistency can hold you back. But not investing in personal branding has its own risks: ❌ Limited awareness and recognition of your leadership. ❌ Difficulty in attracting and retaining top […]

Best Workplace Digital Workplace Fad Internal Comms Fad Internal Comms Trends Leader communication Mew Mewing Workplace

What is Your Internal Communication ‘Mew’ Moment?

If you haven’t been following the latest fad – mewing – it’s a form of oral posture training aimed at altering jaw and facial structure (though there is no scientific evidence that it works). This trend has been catching on online among youngsters to such an extent that the American Association of Orthodontists issued a […]

AI Artificial Intelligence Cohesion Culture Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Communication Internal Communication Certifications Simpplr Trust Workplace

Featured | Cohesion Podcast: Unlocking Workplace Magic with Trust and Engagement

Delighted to share my recent conversation with Shawn Pfunder on Simpplr’s Cohesion Podcast.   Shawn is an excellent interviewer and asked me thought-provoking questions to steer the chat. We covered a range of topics – from internal communication practices to employee experience; from entrepreneurship to personal branding. We also covered the influence of AI, culture […]

#ICList Certificate Course Diploma Course IC Fundamentals IC Learning IC Management IC Masters Course IC Theory ICCourses

#ICResources | Internal Communication Courses

Looking for recognized internal communication courses to sign-up for? Unsure where to go? Look up this curated list of #ICCourses that cover everything from the fundamentals of internal communications to the more advanced topics of engagement and measurement. Are there other key internal communication courses that I missed? Please do share them here and I […]

#ICList Communication Forums Future of Internal Communications Hiring for Internal Communications ICResource Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Communication Awards Internal Communication Certifications Internal Communication Conferences Internal Communication Programs

Internal Communications Resources (#ICResource) | Communication Forums

I have often been asked by communicators, students and people keen about communication forums that discuss and promote internal communications. Below is a working #ICResource list on #CommunicationForums that I put together for the benefit of the community. Take a glance and let me know what you think. Since these resources are from from an […]

Linkedin Linkedin Company Page Management Linkedin Personal Brand Social Media Social Start-Ups

7 Lessons from Managing Company’s LinkedIn Page

Having assisted leaders such as a start-up CEO, electric mobility CEOs, and a travel technology leader in optimizing their profiles and crafting effective content strategies, I’ve seen firsthand the power of a well-managed LinkedIn presence. These efforts resulted in significant increases in connection with followership and engagement, rising 20% month on month. As you manage […]

Leader Personal Brand Linkedin Personal Brand Personal Brand Personal Branding Personal Branding Course

7 Lessons from Coaching Leaders on Optimizing LinkedIn Presence

Drawing from my experience in helping an electric mobility company’s page reassert itself and enhance reach and engagement by 3X, alongside coaching leaders like a start-up CEO and others in similar roles, I’ve observed the transformative impact of proactive LinkedIn strategies. These efforts resulted in substantial improvements in visibility and connection with industry peers. As […]

Communication Barrier Communication behaviors Communication Channels Communication Content Communication Design Perception Transparency Trust Truth

Book Review | Talking to Strangers (What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know) | Malcolm Gladwell

Have you ever tried making sense of new people you met? We create our own perceptions about their attitudes, behaviors, mindsets and preferences at a glance or after a few minutes of conversation. Often, we get it horribly wrong with dangerous outcomes changing the course of our lives, health, wealth, careers, families and more, believes […]

Development ICLearning Knowledge Sharing Learning MentorIC Mentoring

Join #MentorIC | Making Internal Communications Knowledge Accessible and Inclusive

In internal communications, valuable expertise often remains inaccessible, particularly for students, professionals and academics in emerging and mature markets. Many experienced leaders have navigated their careers without the guidance that is now essential for the next generation. Also, much of the field’s great work is hidden behind paywalls or confined to exclusive industry events. #MentorIC […]

Behavioral Sciences COVID-19 Communications Future of Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Comms Internal Comms FAQs Interviewing Video

Video Interview | Megha Chaturvedi | Episode 60 | Internal Communication Shapes Organizational Identity and Employee Behaviors

Presenting the 60th edition of Intraskope’s Spotlight on Internal Communication Series featuring Megha Chaturvedi – Communication Lead, Alstom India. Megha Chaturvedi is a results-oriented communications professional with over 15 years of experience across diverse industries. Megha has a proven track record of collaborating with organizations to develop communication strategies that effectively drive business objectives. She seamlessly transitions […]

Agency Internal Comms Challenges Internal Communications Agency Media agency

The Need for Internal Communication Agencies and Their Challenges

Every modern business, irrespective of the industry or size needs to be engaging their staff and connecting them to the purpose. Therefore, the role of internal communication has become more crucial than ever. Companies are recognizing that effective internal communication is not just a nicety but a necessity. It’s the glue that holds an organization […]

Captives GCC Global Shared Services Innovation NASSCOM Shared Services Shared Services Communication

Six Reasons Why New Global Capability Centers Struggle to Establish Themselves

First published on Shared Services & Outsourcing Network website Have you ever wondered why some Global Capability Centers (GCCs) flourish while others flounder, despite having similar resources and goals? In India alone, it is projected that 800 new GCCs will launch operations in the next 5-6 years, adding to the existing 1600. An Accenture study […]

Change Management Change Readiness Communication strategy Consistency Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Management

5 Steps to Establish Groundwork and Communicate Change

Are you ready to lay the foundation for a successful change management function? In my previous article, I discussed the importance of assessing readiness and setting up a governance model. Now, let’s explore how to establish the groundwork, build a coalition, and achieve stakeholder buy-in. 1. Establishing the Groundwork Creating a robust foundation involves aligning […]

Assessment Change Management Change Readiness Communication Barrier Communication Governance Communication Risks Consistency Reliability Scale

Getting Started with a Change Management Office? 4 Key Aspects to Consider.

Recently, I was approached by a multinational headquartered in France and with a significantly large presence in India to consult on establishing and communicating a change management office. This office is expected to manage global transformation projects from afar bringing consistency, reliability and scale to the processes, systems and practices that empower the organization. Should […]

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Future of Internal Communications Hiring for Internal Communications Internal Comms Internal Comms Careers Internal Comms FAQs Internal Comms Goals

Internal Communications Frequently Asked Questions

I am often asked questions about the role, expectations and even a for a typical job description for a senior leader in internal communications. I have compiled some of these questions and responses below. Feel free to share your views and ad questions you want answered. As a Senior Internal Comms Leader, the primary responsibility […]

Employer Branding Employer Branding in Australia Employer branding in EU Employer Branding in Poland how to be a top employer brand How to build employer brand Talent Management Talent Marketing

10 Core Principles to Build a Strong Employer Brand

Employer branding is all about shaping how current and potential employees see your company. It’s about making your workplace the place to be. Surprisingly, 72% of recruiting leaders say it’s crucial for hiring, but only 55% have a solid strategy (LinkedIn Talent Solutions, 2022). In this blog, I will share the context to consider and […]

Communication Goals Future of Internal Communications Hiring for Internal Communications How to set goals How to write objectives How to write OKrs Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Comms Internal Comms Careers Internal Comms Goals Internal Comms Profession Internal Communication Internal Communication OKRs Objective Setting Objectives and Key Results OKR

3 key factors to create effective Internal Communication OKRs. Get your FREE Template now!

Setting objectives is a crucial exercise for any employee (not just an internal communicator) to establish credibility and make a significant impact. According to research, you are 42% more likely to achieve objectives if they are written down. It is crucial for organizations to support employees set clearer objectives because without that there is little […]

How to set goals How to write objectives How to write OKrs Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Comms Internal Communication OKR

How do I write my Internal Communication Objectives & Key Results (OKRs)?

Arkan, the internal communicator is in a fix. He is expected to write up his goals for the year and the deadline is fast approaching. He doesn’t know where to start because he was just hired and has limited visibility on all that’s happening across the business. Not that it has been an easy ride. […]

Consulting Internal Consulting Partnership Stakeholder Engagement Stakeholder Management Value Adding

Stop stakeholder-bashing. First get your act together, internal communicators!

For all the articles out there bashing #stakeholders (annoying, ungrateful, irrational etc) for their lack of empathy or acknowledgment of what #internalcommunicators can do and deliver, there are lots of internal communication teams that aren’t doing justice to the role or the organization they are embedded in. Just overseeing #channels, sending out communications and pretending […]

Employee Engagement Future of Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

Can Internal Communicators be valued as Billable Resources?

In the corporate world, the spotlight often shines on billable resources—the drivingIn the corporate world, the spotlight often shines on billable resources—the driving force behind revenue generation and client satisfaction. But what about #internalcommunicators? How can they strategically align themselves with the mindset of billable resources to enhance value within the organization? Let’s break it […]

Business Partnering Future of Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

Business Partnering for Internal Communications? 5 Ways to Succeed

The role of internal communication professionals extends far beyond disseminating information. They’re expected to be strategic advisors, adept planners, and effective implementers. Yet, amidst managing processes and decoding policies, many internal communicators find themselves struggling to reach their full potential. This is where business partnering holds the promise of transforming internal communications from a support […]

Employee Advocacy Employee Brand Employer Branding EVP Talent Management

Employer Branding 101 | 6 Steps to Localize Your Employee Value Proposition

Companies expanding across borders must grapple with a crucial question: Should they stick with a one-size-fits-all global employee value proposition (EVP), or tailor it to fit the unique needs of local markets and talent pools? The answer lies in understanding the importance of local nuances and taking strategic steps to localize your EVP effectively. Here […]

Australia Business Communication International Communication Professionals International Communicators Overseas

Entering the Australian Job Market | An Overseas Communicator’s Guide

Stepping into Australia in late 2023 was a rollercoaster ride. Amid warnings of seasonal slowdowns in job opportunities, my family and I remained steadfast in our decision to make Australia our home after living and working in Poland for a couple of years. Little did we know, this decision would mark the beginning of an […]

Leader Personal Brand Linkedin Linkedin Company Page Management Linkedin Personal Brand Personal Brand Personal Branding

8 Reasons Why Investing in Personal Branding on LinkedIn Matters

Leadership isn’t just about making decisions behind closed doors or delivering compelling presentations in boardrooms. It’s about being visible, relatable, and influential in the online space. And when it comes to online platforms for professionals, LinkedIn stands out as the quintessential stage for showcasing your leadership prowess. With over 1 billion users spanning across 200 […]

Best Workplace Employee Engagement Workplace Communication

Reimagining Workspaces for Optimal Performance and Engagement

In an era marked by unprecedented change and uncertainty, organizations face a myriad of challenges that threaten their long-term sustainability. From talent scarcity and disengagement to the shifts brought about by the post-Covid workplace, leaders must navigate a landscape fraught with obstacles. As expectations from staff for autonomy and control over their lives continue to […]

Best Workplace Employee Engagement Great Place to Work

Book Review | The Best Place to Work

I recently read Ron Friedman’s The Best Place to Work: The Art and Science of Creating an Extraordinary Workplace and it felt like going on a journey of self-discovery within the corporate realm. Published in 2014, this book continues to offer wisdom, drawing a roadmap for transforming workplaces into thriving ecosystems of productivity and fulfillment. […]

Employer Branding Internal Communication Referral

Employer Branding 101: Revitalize Employee Confidence

Employer branding plays a vital task of keeping your employees engaged and invested in your company. Remember the old saying, ’employees are your best advocates’? It’s true, but sometimes, organizations unintentionally let their staff down, leading to a loss of trust in the system. Let’s dive into a common scenario we all know too well. […]

Culture Employee Surveys Human Leadership Internal Communications Survey Leader communication

Communicating Employee Surveys in a Multicultural Environment

If you work with a globally distributed workforce, communicating employee surveys requires careful orchestration. Ensuring a meaningful and successful survey within a multicultural environment demands strategic thinking. Here are the key aspects to consider leading up to the survey launch. Leaders’ Commitment Matters Leadership plays a pivotal role in the success of any initiative, and […]

Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Comms Internal Comms Careers Internal Comms Profession Internal Communication Learning

9 Red Flags That Indicate Your Internal Communications Team is Dysfunctional

Effective internal communication is critical for any successful organization. It’s the key ingredient that binds teams, aligns goals, and ensures everyone is on the same page. But what happens when that communication team sputters and misfires? In this post I share subtle signs that your internal communications (IC) team might be dysfunctional and explore ways […]

Australia Collaboration Communication project India Program management

5 Tips to Navigate Your Role in a new Communications Project

Embarking on a new communications project can be like hopping onto a moving train – a bit overwhelming. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer, understanding the lay of the land is crucial for success. Let’s break it down in simple language. Get the lay of the land Understanding the project’s current status is […]

Communication Goals IABC

My Personal Goals to Navigate Communication in 2024

A segment of this article is featured in IABC India’s newsletter (Feb 7, 2024 edition): Communication is a two-way street – it’s not just about honing our individual skills but also about creating bridges within our communities. As someone who recently landed in vibrant Australia, my 2024 communication goals extend beyond personal development to […]

business agility Global Commtrepreneurs Network network of independents Resilience

Global Commtrepreneurs Network featured in Provoke Media

Excited to share that GCN is open for business! Our network of independents is featured in Provoke Media’s website: As a founding member of the Global Commtrepreneurs Network (GCN) I am honored and grateful for the opportunity to partner with talented professionals and entrepreneurs such as Karen Khaw of V-Engage; Christina Pantin of Toot; […]

Employee Advocacy Employee Brand Employee Branding Employee Listening

Featured in the Comms Careers Podcast

Pleased to share that my chat with Lisa MacMillan and Jo Hall is out. Listen this conversation on my career journey from India, to Poland and onwards to Australia as well as my perspectives on the value of listening, inclusion and the employee voice at the workplace. Apple Podcasts:

Employee Advocacy Employee Engagement Employee experience Employee Listening Intranet

5 Insights from Over Two Decades of Intranet Management Experience

Intranets play a crucial role in keeping employees connected, fostering collaboration, and driving efficiency. Over my two-decade journey in managing corporate intranets, I’ve gleaned valuable insights that have shaped the evolving landscape of these internal platforms. The Heart of Communication Early on, intranets were often overlooked, relegated to silos, and lacked the attention they deserved. […]

Contract Worker Contracting Future of Internal Communications Gig Worker Hiring for Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

8 Tips to Navigate the World of Contracting in Employee Communications

Embarking on a contract role in employee communications can be both exciting and challenging. As a contract staffer, you play a vital role in keeping the communication wheels turning smoothly within an organization. In this blog, we’ll explore the key qualities that contracting employers look for and provide practical tips to ensure a successful stint […]

Charity communications Newsletter not for profit communications

Not-For-Profit Communications 101 | 7 Tips for Building a Meaningful Newsletter

Effective communication lies at the heart of a successful not-for-profit association. Having worked closely with a few nonprofits pro-bono and in-house in Poland and India (including starting a road safety charity), I believe there are opportunities for nonprofits to communicate better through their newsletters. A well-designed newsletter can play a vital role in informing members, […]

Charity communications Digital Communication Digital Media Internal Digital Strategy not for profit not for profit communications

Not-For-Profit Communications 101 | Maximizing your digital impact insights

Harnessing the potential of the digital landscape has become crucial for not-for-profit organizations seeking to make a meaningful impact on stakeholders. As communication professionals and leaders in the not-for-profit sector, you understand the value of leveraging social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as maintaining an engaging website. To differentiate your […]

Employee Communications Enterprise Social Networks Intranet Usability

6 insights from the intranet journey | Meetup | Feb 6

Pleased to be presenting my thoughts on the Microsoft 365 User Group Meetup on Feb 6 in Australia. After spending a couple of decades handling intranets and enterprise social networks, I have distilled perspectives on how to make such platforms work for the users and for the organizations. Hear more when I chat to the […]

Australia Business Communication Business Networking Culture Start Stop Continue

Connecting Across Cultures | Navigating the Six Archetypes in a New Country

Embarking on a journey in a new country is a challenging endeavor, particularly when faced with the daunting task of discerning whose guidance to trust and which advice to heed. It’s easy to fall into the belief that every encounter holds the promise of well-intentioned support. However, a note of caution is essential. Allow me […]

Australia Change Management Culture Future of Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

The New Work Ecosystem in 2024 | Can Internal Communicators Step Up?

Here’s wishing my readers a blessed New Year! This is Edition #101 of my newsletter. Thank you for your support and encouragement. As the world of work continues its transformative journey in 2024 – embracing hybrid and gig working, navigating the complexities of multigenerational teams, and contending with the pervasive influence of AI – internal […]

AI Business Communication CEO Communications Communication alignment Communication Preparedness ESG Innovation

No do-overs: Communications challenges CEOs need to nail in 2024 By Global Commtrepreneurs Network

First published on: I am delighted to co-author a timely article on the need for CEOs to revisit their approach in 2024 or face an existential crisis. Read on and share your comments. “There are no second chances in life, except to feel remorse.”– Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Spanish novelist. This proved to be an […]

Australia Business Acumen Business Enabler Business Networking Business Partnering Global Business Services India

How Have India-Australia Relations Evolved?

Recently, I had the privilege of witnessing the energy and enthusiasm of the ANZ India Business Chamber (ANZIBC) members during their Christmas networking event at the University of Wollongong Sydney campus. With about 100 participants in attendance, the event became a pivotal moment emphasizing the consolidation of enduring collaboration between Australia and India. The event, […]

Australia Celsius 100 Consulting Consulting Internal branding Sydney

Press Note | My engagement with Celsius 100 Consulting

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Global Internal Communications Leader Aniisu K. Verghese, Ph.D., Establishes Permanent Base in Sydney, Australia. While Continuously Engaging with Leading Consultancies Including Celsius 100 Consulting SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – November 25, 2023      Dr. Aniisu K. Verghese, an internal communications and personal branding expert, author, and Prosci® Certified Change Management Practitioner, has recently made Sydney, […]

Personal Brand Personal Branding Self branding self leadership

13 Strategies and Habits to Build an Influential Personal Brand

With personal branding, becoming an influential voice requires a strategic approach and consistent effort. Recently, as part of my 1:1 Ask Aniisu engagement, a communicator posed a few questions on approaches to build influence, create meaningful practices and seek tips to engage. This blog post shares the structures, practices, and habits that have shaped my […]

Business Communication Employee Engagement Manager Engagement Training Teaching Communications

Reflections | Two Years of Engagement in Communication, Teaching, and Collaboration – From Poland to Australia

It’s been two years since I embarked on my journey to Poland and now, permanently to Australia, and it’s been a remarkable experience of growth, learning, and giving back. I want to share some of the engagements and contributions I’ve been fortunate to be a part of. 🎙️ Speaking and Teaching (2021-2023): 🤝 Collaborations (2022-2023): […]

Dialogue Employee Surveys Focus Group Discussions Insights Research

9 Tips For Conducting Effective Focus Group Discussions

Hello, I am Aniisu, an award-winning internal communications and change leader helping individuals and organizations discover and develop their ‘sweet-spot’ through effective communications. As a Linkedin Top Voice for Internal Communications & Personal Branding, I offer insights, perspectives and solutions at the intersection of these two evolving domains. Organizations are an amalgamation of employees as […]

Employer Branding Europe Poland Poland Communication

8 Insights To Build a Robust Technology Employer Brand in Poland

When the pursuit of skilled talent reigns supreme, establishing a robust technology brand has become pivotal for organizations in Poland. The path to building such a brand isn’t paved solely with flashy marketing tactics; rather, it necessitates a comprehensive approach that incorporates both internal and external strategies. Companies aiming to cultivate a compelling technology brand […]

Brand Ambassadors Brand Promise Brand strategy Employee Brand Employer Branding

5 Essentials to Building a Strong Employer Brand

When it comes to creating a strong employer brand, it’s crucial to look beyond just a catchy Employee Value Proposition (EVP). What truly matters is having a solid strategy in place that addresses the fundamental aspects of your organization’s branding goals. For instance, before focusing solely on developing an EVP, it’s essential to ensure that […]

Academics Authenticity Business Communication Knowledge Management Knowledge Workers Nation Brand Skills and Knowledge Talent Management

11 Steps to Cultivate a Nation’s Talent Powerhouse

The key to a country’s success lies in its ability to harness the power of talent. Yet, the understanding of what talent truly means has often been misunderstood, leading to missed opportunities and an underutilization of human potential. Countries that perceive their people as reservoirs of knowledge and expertise, contributing to the overall economic growth […]

Australia Career Management Europe IC Careers India Nation Brand Poland Talent Management

8 Signs That Indicate a Nation’s Talent Crisis

In the complex labyrinth of global economies, the role of effective talent management can never be overstated. However, some nations, despite their apparent growth, are unwittingly neglecting the crucial aspect of nurturing and attracting talent. Within the fabric of a nation’s socio-economic ecosystem, certain disconcerting signs serve as harbingers of a pressing need for transformative […]

Career Management Human Leadership Internal Comms Careers Leader communication

Leadership and Self-Management: 5 Key Traits for Transformation, and Advancement

After working for over a couple of decades in communications, branding and marketing, I have come to realize that success often hinges on a unique blend of personal traits, attributes, and skills. It’s a realm where adaptability, resilience, and curiosity can pave the path to greatness. To excel as a communicator and leader, one must […]

Employee experience Employee Perceptions Personal Brand Personal Branding

Why Personal Branding? 6 Insights You Can’t Ignore

·       Why bother about personal branding when I am doing quite well at work? ·       Why spend time updating my Linkedin page or online presence? ·       What can I share as my point of view? ·       Doesn’t it take way too much effort to keep my personal brand relevant and refreshed? ·       Who would even […]

Employee Advocacy Employee Belonging Employee Brand Employer Branding

Employer Branding 101 | Rethinking 5 Common Assumptions

The modern workplace needs new thinking. Understanding your employees has never been more pivotal to crafting an employer brand that truly resonates. Yet, even the most prestigious organizations can fumble when it comes to deciphering the intricate heartbeat of their staff, often ending up with expectations misaligned and reputations tarnished. In the wake of the […]

Internal Communication

Is Your Team Trusting or Tolerating You?

Trust isn’t just a nice-to-have. It’s the foundation of any thriving organization. Yet, paradoxically, many workplaces are grappling with a silent crisis – misaligned perceptions between leaders and employees. This gap isn’t just a minor hiccup; it’s a trust assassin that silently erodes engagement and cripples performance. Why Do Perception Gaps Exist? At the heart […]

Leader Personal Brand Linkedin Personal Brand Personal Brand Personal Branding Personal Branding Course

Book Review | Expert – Understanding the Path to Mastery by Roger Kneebone

Roger Kneebone’s Expert – Understanding the Path to Mastery offers a profound exploration of what it means to become an expert, blending deep insights with practical wisdom. The book is a mirror to the journey of personal branding—building expertise, honing your craft, and presenting yourself as a go-to resource. As someone deeply involved in personal […]

GCC Global Capability Center Global In-House Center Global Innovation Center Global Shared Services Global Technology Center

Opportunities Global Capability Centers (GCCs) Present to Businesses

Companies worldwide are grappling with the need to innovate, reduce costs, and scale operations effectively. Global Capability Centers provide a solution by centralizing critical business functions in strategic locations. These centers have moved beyond traditional shared services and now play a pivotal role in transforming businesses through technology, talent, and efficiency. But having worked with […]

Internal Communication Measuring communications Non-desk work communication measurement

How to measure communications with frontline and non-desk workers

This article, co-authored with Adeeba Hussain first appeared on Influence, the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, UK. How to measure communications with frontline and non-desk workers. Non-desk and frontline workers form the backbone of many industries, yet they often remain the most unappreciated and less engaged segments of the workforce. These workers, who are […]

Future of Internal Communications Hiring for Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications Purpose purpose communication

Why Organizations Are Missing the Mark with Their Purpose Statements

Organizations spend significant time and resources crafting Purpose or Mission statements that encapsulate their vision, values, and strategic goals. Yet, despite these efforts, many companies fail to embed this Purpose meaningfully within their workforce. The disconnect isn’t in the formulation but in the execution—turning Purpose into a living, breathing part of the organization. Here’s why. […]