Clarity Human branding Personal Branding

Personal Branding Series: Episode 26 | Karthik Nagendra PhD | Founder & CEO of ThoughtStarters Author, Marketing Consultant, Life Coach, Gender Diversity Champion, Professor

Karthik Nagendra is an award-winning marketing thought leader and the founder and CEO of ThoughtStarters. A certified life coach, Karthik is the author of “The Thought Leader Way” and a serial entrepreneur with close to two decades of experience across strategy, marketing, operations and HR. Karthik has been featured as a Top 10 Content Marketing […]

Diversity Human Brand Inclusion Personal Brand

Personal Branding Series: Episode 25 | Suresh Ramdas | 50 OUTstanding LGBT+ Future Leaders | Mr. Gay India 2019 | Corporate D&I Advocate & Speaker | VP – Membership, Rainbow Toastmasters

Suresh Ramdas is the Global Training Lead and India LGBTQ ERG Chair for HP in India as well as a recognized leader in diversity & inclusion in the community. A certified diversity professional from DTUI, US & Interweave, India, he also has done a LGBTQ Executive Leadership Program from Stanford GSB, US. He is the […]

Business Communication Communication behaviors Student blogging

Shefali Khanna | Guest Student Editor Challenge | Edition 3 | Success starts with a C

Intraskope’s Guest Student Editor Challenge is an opportunity for students passionate about communications to showcase their creative spark and get noticed. The theme for this series is: Making our World a Better Place Through Effective Communications. In the 3rd edition,  Shefali Khanna discusses the importance and value of human communication. Despite technologies which bring us […]

CSR Communications CSR strategy Sustainability

CSR Communications Series | Nayna Banerjee, Dun & Bradstreet | Purpose-Led Interventions and Compassion Essential for Success

Communicating corporate social responsibility is a hands-on responsibility. Not something which can be done from your desk. Investing in communications is important because there are implications for the brand and reputation – for example, people are keen to join organizations that are purpose-led. In the 7th edition of the CSR Communications Series, Nayna Banerjee, Head […]

Employee Advocacy Employee Brand Internal Communication

Institute for PR | Communication is a team Sport: Involving Employees as Partners and Brand Advocates

This article first appeared on the Insitute for PR blog Globally, organizations struggle with bridging the reputation divide and trust deficit among employers and employees while striving to improve engagement. According to a brand credibility gap study, just 19% of employees feel aligned with their employer’s brand.1 Worldwide, the state of employee experience is eroding […]

Communication Team Leader communication Reputation

My article in Reputation Today: Five mistakes best avoided while engaging corporate communications teams

This article first appeared on Reputation Today. View the link here: How not to damage your corporate communication team’s reputation and in the process, your organisation’s brand While a lot is spoken of how communications teams add value to the business, very little is said about how organisations consciously or unconsciously discredit the team’s reputation […]

Human branding Personal Brand Persuasion

Personal Branding Series: Episode 24 | Chip Helm | Sales Leader, #1 US Bestselling Author & Speaker

From a dental school drop-out, to a National Sales Manager of a multi-billion-dollar medical device company, Chip Helm has over the last thirty years perfected the art of developing and maintaining long-term relationships to help drive sales success. He mentors and shares leadership wisdom with professionals at all levels of their sales career track. Chip […]

COVID-19 Communications Internal Communication Internal Communication Trends

Video Interview | Pallavi Deshmukh | Listening Intently Can Improve Internal Communications

Presenting the 47th edition of Intraskope’s Spotlight on Internal Communication Series featuring Pallavi Deshmukh of Bridgestone India. Pallavi heads Corporate Communications at the leading tire manufacturer and is a marketing and communications specialist, with over 17 years of experience in brand management, strategy and communication development. She explains how to tailor communication to suit audience needs and the ability of […]

Employee Belonging Internal Communication Internal Communication Trends

Video Interview | Samir Dhond | Encouraging Transparency and Autonomy Through Engaging Internal Communications

Presenting the 46th edition of Intraskope’s Spotlight on Internal Communication Series featuring Samir Dhond of Ittiam  Systems Pvt. Ltd. Samir is the Chief People Officer and Senior Vice President, Human Resources and Corporate Communications. Experienced in industries such as pharmaceutical, software development, semiconductor and IP development he is certified to conduct mentoring programs and conducted intense development interventions for […]

Communication Channels COVID-19 Communications COVID-19 Internal Communications Survey

COVID-19 Internal Communications Survey| 2020 Results Summary

How did internal communications work during COVID-19? What perceptions did practitioners have about the value and impact of internal communications? What were the key channels used? Which were the most effective? What were the biggest challenges and opportunities for communicators? What specific lessons did they learn from the pandemic and the communications related to it? […]