Captives GCC Global Shared Services Innovation NASSCOM Shared Services Shared Services Communication

Six Reasons Why New Global Capability Centers Struggle to Establish Themselves

First published on Shared Services & Outsourcing Network website Have you ever wondered why some Global Capability Centers (GCCs) flourish while others flounder, despite having similar resources and goals? In India alone, it is projected that 800 new GCCs will launch operations in the next 5-6 years, adding to the existing 1600. An Accenture study […]

Captives GBS GBS Communication Global Capability Center Global Shared Services Shared Services Communication Social Media

3 Ways Global Business Services Leaders Can Build a Strong Social Media Presence

“I have a company to run”  “It is risky with customers also following my comments”  “Social media is for celebrities”  “It takes too much time commitment from me”  “I am unsure of the value”  “My HQ will not be appreciative”  “It is painful to navigate the legal hassles to get anything out”  For Global Business Services […]

GBS Communication Global Shared Services Shared Services Shared Services Communication Thought Leadership

Why Global Business Services Leaders Must Focus on Building Thought Leadership

What for? Especially, if Global Business Services (GBS) leaders are known for their knowledge and prowess within the firm? Especially, if stakeholders value what they do? Especially, if they are recognized for and are comfortable with their progress? Why bother with thought leadership? What on earth is it anyway and why must you care if you are a GBS leader?  Consider these data […]

Business Communication Change Management GBS GBS Communication Global Shared Services Purpose Shared Services Shared Services Communication

Purpose, Progress and Passion – Highlights of the 2022 ASPIRE GBS Leaders Summit in Krakow, Poland

How are GBS leaders thinking about the future of their centers? What are the challenges, aspirations, risks and opportunities now and ahead of them? Which priorities do they need to address swiftly?  About a 100 business and operations leaders, HR professionals, consultants and partners converged for a day-long exchange (Oct 27) at the 2022 ASPIRE Global Business […]

Change Management GBS GBS Communication Global Shared Services Shared Services Communication

5 Global Business Services Communication Investments Worth Making

This article was first published on the Focus on Business website: Managing and keeping a Global Business Services (GBS) or Shared Services set-up running takes a lot more effort and commitment because of the perceptions, resistances and challenges that come with operations. It isn’t hard enough to keep the wheels turning with annoying attrition […]

Communications Center of Excellence Global Shared Services Shared Services Communication

Communications as a COE for Shared Services Success: Charting a New Direction

Pleased to share the third and final segment of three-part series on Communications as a Center of Excellence for Shared Services. Interested in your feedback and comments.

Communications Center of Excellence Global Capability Center Global Shared Services Shared Services Communication

Communications as a Center of Excellence | Part 2: Building a Strategy

Pleased to share the 2nd installment of the 3-part article on communications as a center of excellence, especially in global shared services or capability centers. In the first part, I discussed the rationale and approach and this segment I cover the strategy and pitfalls to overcome.

Business Communication Global Capability Center Shared Services Communication

5 Tips to Turnaround a Global Capability Center’s Communications Team

This post first appeared on my Linkedin page: While most global capability centers have a communication function supporting the business and brand, there is often a gap between expectation and reality. When communication teams at global capability centers begin operating, the focus is heavily on establishing basic processes. As the team matures and gains the confidence […]