Internal Communication Measuring communications Non-desk work communication measurement

How to measure communications with frontline and non-desk workers

This article, co-authored with Adeeba Hussain first appeared on Influence, the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, UK. How to measure communications with frontline and non-desk workers. Non-desk and frontline workers form the backbone of many industries, yet they often remain the most unappreciated and less engaged segments of the workforce. These workers, who are […]

Business Communication Deskless worker communication Deskless Workers Frontline workers Measuring communications Non desk workers Non-desk work communication measurement

FAQs on Non-Desk and Frontline Worker Communication and Measurement

Engaging and effectively communicating with non-desk and frontline workers is vital for the success of many industries. This FAQ addresses common questions and concerns about communication practices and measurement strategies for these essential segments of the workforce. Q1: Who are non-desk and frontline workers? A1: Non-desk and frontline workers are employees who do not work […]