Blogroll Internal Communication

Announcing The 2013 APAC and India Internal Communications Survey Results

How robust is the internal communications function? Which channels are most popular in the region? How integrated is internal social media? What advice do communicators have for others joining the function? What drives engagement in the workforce? What does the future look like for internal communications? Find out all this and more with the results […]

Blogroll Internal Communication

Managing Gen Y Takes Sensitivity and Positive Intent: Leaders Share Perspectives at NASSCOM GIC Forum’s Leadership Series

I attended NASSCOM Global In-house Centres (GIC) Forum’s Leadership Series on ‘Managing Gen Y’ at Bangalore on February 6th where senior leaders from leading companies discussed the challenges and implications of engaging this growing group. In his keynote address Biren Ghose, Country Head of Technicolour explained the different kind of workplace – physically, emotionally among […]

Blogroll Internal Communication

Discipline, Investment and Maturity Crucial For Internal Communications Success

Sharing my interview that appeared in Content Talk – a section in FYI, Yorke Communications’ December newsletter. Here is an excerpt: “Aniisu believes that today’s complex business and customer environment will not support a standalone internal communications campaign. An integrated plan coupled with a multi-pronged approach, leveraging multiple channels including the social media will help […]

Blogroll Internal Communication

Empowering Community Giving Through Internal Communications – Coverage In GiveIndia's December Newsletter

GiveIndia, the payroll giving program that connects employees to causes that matter featured my interview on community giving. Community giving is close to my heart and I have had an experience of starting a road safety NGO, Friends For Life in 2003-4.  Over the years, I have been associated with corporate social responsbility programming and communication that makes […]