Senior leaders are often elected by the company’s executive board and most managers are either selected from the workforce or hired laterally to meet the needs. In a democratic country the people choose representatives that help build sustainable communities by promoting critical issues in the central forums that run the government. That is where the […]
Internal Communication
What Did You Learn Last Week?
As I gathered my notebook and prepared to exit the room after a thought provoking workshop I noticed the session organizer call her team together for a quick catch-up. As I overhead the conversation I realized why the workshop went well. They were discussing what worked well and what needed improvement as they prepared for […]
How To Be An Effective Internal Social Community Manager
Have a great community page idea but somehow it doesn’t seem like others are participating? Does it end up with you always posting content on the community? What stops others from contributing? Why can’t everyone see it the way you want to? If these questions trouble you as an internal community manager you are probably […]
5 Top Take-Aways From the 2014 NASSCOM GIC Conclave
Global in-house centres (GICs) are an integral part of India’s growth story. I had the opportunity to attend a day of the recently concluded NASSCOM GIC Conclave at Pune (April 15 and 16) where over 500 delegates from leading GICs discussed talent, the future of work, leadership development, building centres of excellence, macro-economic issues, customer […]
Get Real To Tap The Power Of Internal Social Media
This post on internal social media got a lot of interest. Many choose to write to me directly and air their views rather than post it online! Reactions included – ‘this is so true’, ‘we see this in our firm’ and ‘leaders need to stand up’. Kapil’s uneasiness is probably stemming from his inability to […]
Internal communications – new ways of engagement
PR Moment recently did a story on the evolving nature of internal communications and how multinational and Indian companies are adapting to the needs of their increasingly young workforces. My perspectives on internal communications trends and a few new ways of engagement are covered in the piece. Keen to hear your views.
How To Get Your New Leader Started With Communications
New leader onboarding can often be tricky business for the internal communications team. It depends on a variety of factors – ranging from the organization’s culture to the leader’s personality style. Leadership transitions can be opportunities for the internal communicator to shape the future of the business. It is also relevant for influencing key decisions […]
Getting The Most Of Your Communication Team’s Planning Session
Every communication team often takes stock at multiple points in their journey. They do it in different styles. Some prefer to let their hair down and ‘bond’. Others prefer to keep it objective oriented and then have fun. While still others decide to reinvent themselves through learning and development. However, I believe that when you […]
What If We Get Negative Comments On Our Internal Social Media Page?
Rajiv stood motionless for a few seconds as the weight of the question he just heard hit home. Kapil, 55, the CEO of his pharmaceutical firm – Spike Ltd had just turned down a request to engage on their internal social enterprise platform. Read how Rajiv, 30, who heads Corporate Communications for Spike Ltd shaped […]
Connecting with global internal communications practitioners
I had the opportunity to connect with the Simply Communicate team at London. Over the years our connection and engagement has grown from discussing topics of interest to elevating the thinking amongst internal communicators globally. Met with Marc Wright and Gloria Lombardi for the first time in person at their office. I felt very welcomed […]