Many brands can reach an inflection point in their journey and may want to revisit and refresh. So how does one go about it? Whom do you involve? Internal communicators need to be invited (or be asked they get invited!) to define the approach for the new internal brand identity. With ownership of internal branding […]
Internal Communication
“Employee Morale is Low. Let Us Raise the Mood With A Family Event!”
Harsha, the internal communications leader of Top Infra, a multinational with over 5000 employees sat in a meeting called by her CEO – Manoj. Top Infra has a very young workforce with an average age of 26 years although they had a mix of all workforce generations. Also present at the briefing were the HR […]
Register Now! Internal Communications 401 Workshop – Brand Building, Inside Out | October 11, 2014 | Bangalore
Book Your Seat Today! Presenting a full-day, hands-on workshop: Internal Communications 401 – Brand Building, Inside Out on October 11, 2014 at Bangalore. This is the 4th in the series of workshops which started in 2011. Keen to win the war on talent through employee advocates? Committed to growing your internal brand and taking employees […]
Why Storytelling Is Hard Work And 3 Tips To Get Started
It was a Monday morning and most of my team members were already in their cubicles engrossed at work. Suddenly, we heard our senior leader call out in a loud and commanding tone across the bay to an intern. The intern had recently joined the team and was headed to Delhi for training. It seems […]
Communicators, Force The Agenda To Get Your Seat At The Table
Today, I had the opportunity to engage in a refreshing dialogue with Ravi Chauhan, MD – SAP India who spoke with corporate communicators at NASSCOM’s Marketing Communications Forum in Bangalore. The topic –‘What will make Communications Strategic For Business’ elicited a lot of interest and close to 20 professionals converged to debate the subject. Thanks […]
5 Ways To Make Your Organization’s Reverse Mentoring Program Work
With multiple generations at the workforce and the increasingly large age gap between those leading organizations and those following, reverse mentoring is today an essential part of employee engagement. As a concept reverse mentoring sounds like a must-have for every organization. Putting the principles to work takes a lot of effort due to the seemingly […]
What Gets Captured (Right) Is What Gets Done. 3 Tips To Stay on Top Of Your Internal Communication Project
While we spend a lot of time on planning and designing great communications we often ignore the importance of note taking and direction. Capturing the essence of a discussion and clarifying in words that gets everyone on the same page are crucial skills we tend to overlook, resulting in mismatched outcomes. Program management of an […]
Why Vision Statements Fail And 5 Ways Internal Communications Can Help Bring It To Life
Consider these scenarios: At a regular health check-up at a recognized hospital which claimed to fulfil the lives of customers in its vision statement I found to my surprise that my height and weight had dramatically increased when the support staff took the measurements! When I consulted the doctor and explained that I could never […]
6 Ways To Get The Most Of Your Internal Social Media Channel
Every organization will most probably have an internal social media platform to engage employees on. Also, the role of the internal communicator will be to help create awareness and raise the profile of the channel so that employees use it appropriately. Very often, internal communicators find it tough to get traction in terms of usage […]
5 Tips To Effectively Communicate Your Company’s Vision
Communicating a company vision is an exciting opportunity for internal communicators. However, without context and clarity about your organization’s plan or the leaders’ agenda it can become taxing to get every employee signed up. In this post I wanted to share a few perspectives that can help internal communicators gain perspective while staying connected to […]