Carving a niche and being your best in an evolving world can be challenging. Without a clear purpose and strategy for your personal branding journey you can lose your way very quickly. Moreover, there are several myths about personal branding that cloud how people approach this topic. Many go about building reputation and credibility assuming […]
Internal Communication
I am Quitting My Job. How Does It Matter How I Leave?
Zain is a good performer at his company – Opinion Limited, a media publishing house and is doing well at work. Over the last couple of years he has grown in his role and been lauded for remarkable initiatives he led. However in the last few months he has been dropping the ball on initiatives […]
5 Insights That Can Help Reimagine CSR
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) seems to be gaining momentum based on what I heard and witnessed at the 2016 NASSCOM Foundation CSR Leadership Conference at Bengaluru on Nov 24. Why did I think so? ·        To have the chief guest of honour, Smt. Priyanka Varghese – Indian Forest Service Officer and the Officer of Special Duty […]
Don’t Ignore Credibility ‘Degraders’. You Cannot ‘Not’ Communicate
In a recent post – ‘Why Does My Stakeholder Escalate Issues?’ we discussed the topic of expectation management. No stakeholder wants to put you in a spot, knowingly. But, when you don’t keep them posted on progress or can’t keep your word on an agreed plan, things can go out of hand. Managing escalations isn’t […]
Humanize Communications In A Hyperconnected World
To be viewed as a valued business communication partner and to engage employees in ahyperconnected world means revisiting and reinventing current communication practices. Understanding the implications of the new world of work and the workplace can lead to improved approaches that communicators take while framing suitable interventions and engaging stakeholders. Consider these findings from research […]
Aligning Employees Through Involvement, Empowerment and Engagement
Recently Reputation Today carried perspectives on internal communication and I am sharing the complete set of responses to the interview. Keen to hear your views. i)Â Â Employee support can make or break turning a vision into a reality. How difficult is it aligning employees with the corporate vision? Gaining the commitment of employees is essential for […]
Participate in the 2016 Intraskope Internal Communications Survey. Receive a FREE High Level Summary Report!
Take Intraskope’s 2016 Internal Communications Survey now and provide audit inputs that will improve the value and impact of your organization’s internal communication practices. All respondents who take the survey will receive a FREE copy of the high level summary. How do leaders, managers and the culture of the organization fare with internal communications? Here […]
6 Insights That Can Change How You View Your Career
Every organization reviews their talent’s capabilities, performance and progress periodically. Often, what goes on during these discussions can throw light on what guides decision making about employee performance outcomes and what one must be aware of while delivering the best in your role. I have had the opportunity on numerous occasions to be part of […]
Your Decisions Define Your Career and Life
As I listened to leaders share their career journeys at a recent manager gathering it occurred to me that no two careers are ever the same. I am writing to share my insights from the interaction – which I feel will benefit anyone who is considering making the most of his or her career and […]
Why Does My Stakeholder Escalate Issues?
Giles is upset about what he is hearing. The stakeholder whom he works with has again escalated an issue to his manager. He finds it odd that despite all the hard work he does for the stakeholder ‘silly’ stuff gets forwarded on to his leader. He calls his friend, Sharon to share his situation and […]