Celebrating its decade-long journey as a pioneer in the diversity and inclusion space NASSCOM held its annual event at Bengaluru hosting industry leaders, practitioners, academicians, social activists and government authorities alike. Unraveling a subject as complex and intense as these topics isn’t easy. Kudos to NASSCOM for assembling a galaxy of excellent speakers and leaders […]
Internal Communication
Disengage From Credibility Degraders. Flip Your Perspective
Your attitude matters – at the workplace and outside. The sooner you identify what pulls you back it can help you stay focused on your life and beyond. Here are a few perspectives to avoid getting stuck in the rut and find more meaning in your engagement with people and within yourself. Not adapting to […]
6 Ways To Get The Most Out Of Team Meetings
In some way organizations hinge on the success of team interactions and meetings are an essential part of everyday life. Be it a stand-up meeting, review session or trainings how effective and productive each meeting is can determine how well the team and the organization will fare. It is even more critical when it comes […]
Why Isn’t Anyone Reading Our Employee Newsletter?
Ellen is confused. As the employee communications manager she always hears from staff that they need information to be shared often in newsletters. At Pickaxe Inc., a mining to motors conglomerate spread across 3 continents with 3000 employees keeping everyone on the same page was a challenge. She discusses the concerns with her Communications Director […]
Leave Behind A Memorable Legacy. End On A High Note
The act of changing companies is always a tough decision. Whatever the reason – career growth, better opportunities to learn, toxic environment, bad manager, commute duration or increased pay, what you leave and how you leave matters more than when you leave. I recently shared a post – I am Quitting My Job. How Does […]
5 Approaches To Revitalize Your Internal Social Media Network
Are your employees not engaging enough on your internal social media network? Do you hear leaders talk of why they don’t see a need to be on it? Be it a home grown system or an off-the-shelf solution it isn’t any more about ‘if you give them a platform, employees will show up’. Employees look for […]
5 Tips To Manage Multi-Stakeholder Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives
The opportunities to make a tangible difference to the communities around us are now even more within the reach of organizations. With the recent 2% CSR guidelines coming into play in India more and more organizations are involving stakeholders to engage and implement solutions on the ground that matter to the lives of many. However […]
Be Watchful Of Credibility ‘Degraders’. ‘Small’ Stuff Does Matter.
Continuing the theme of gaps that can trip up people as they go about their work and life I am sharing the next article in the Credibility ‘Degraders’ series. What is often considered as trivial ‘stuff’ to ignore at the workplace can become the Achilles heel of many. Here are a few key essentials that […]
5 Tips To Run ‘Snackable’ Internal Communication Campaigns
In a hyper-connected world your employees’ time and attention are at a premium and yet internal communicators can’t afford not to communicate enough. Keeping employees informed, engaged and aligned to the organization’s goals continue to be a priority. Your workforce is expected to deliver results in an agile and flexible manner – at the office, […]
Think Beyond the Template
A few weeks ago, I shared a conversation between Vikram and Hanna about creativity and templates – “Why Do We Have Templates? They Limit My Creativity!” To begin, everyone is creative. A designation or a role doesn’t limit your imagination or how you can convey a message. Look around you. Life is often about templates. You […]