Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Comms Internal Comms Fad Internal Comms FAQs Internal Communication

Can Internal Communicators Break the ‘Busy Equals Value’ Myth?

As we near the end of 2024 and internal communicators plan for 2025, reflect on this conversation between Riya, an Internal Communications Lead and James, a HR Business Partner on business value and share your thoughts. A midweek catch-up in the office café. Riya is nursing her coffee while James pulls up a chair with […]

Internal Communication

If ChatGPT Can Write, Do We Still Need Internal Communicators?

Here is a conversation between Allan, an Internal Communications Specialist and  Meera, a veteran Communications Consultant and Mentor. Reflect on this and share your thoughts. A late-afternoon mentoring session at a quiet corner of a co-working space. Allan is visibly agitated as he pulls up a chair opposite Meera. Allan: “Meera, I heard something today […]

Internal Communication

What Must You Look for in an Employee Communication Newsletter?

Remember the printed newsletters of the past? Carefully designed, distributed, and eagerly awaited? Today’s version bears little resemblance, but its purpose has never been more critical. Employee newsletters are no longer just about sharing updates; they’re a strategic tool to connect your workforce, foster alignment, and even inspire advocacy. The challenge? Many organizations and vendors […]

Internal Communication

Leadership Undervaluing Internal Communications? Join me on Dec 6 for a chat

Register here:————————————— Are your #internalcommunicators viewed merely as mailer-makers, not strategic consultants?What’s at stake if #leadership continues to ignore the importance of engaging employees meaningfully? Many HR leaders, internal communicators, and business heads grapple with the same challenge: leadership’s lack of recognition for the critical role internal communication plays in driving business outcomes. When […]

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My interview on Masters of Comms podcast

Had the opportunity to share my thoughts on inclusive internal communications in the Masters of Comms podcast run by Sociabble. Read more here: Listen to the episode here:

Internal Communication

Is Your Team Trusting or Tolerating You?

Trust isn’t just a nice-to-have. It’s the foundation of any thriving organization. Yet, paradoxically, many workplaces are grappling with a silent crisis – misaligned perceptions between leaders and employees. This gap isn’t just a minor hiccup; it’s a trust assassin that silently erodes engagement and cripples performance. Why Do Perception Gaps Exist? At the heart […]

Internal Communication Measuring communications Non-desk work communication measurement

How to measure communications with frontline and non-desk workers

This article, co-authored with Adeeba Hussain first appeared on Influence, the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, UK. How to measure communications with frontline and non-desk workers. Non-desk and frontline workers form the backbone of many industries, yet they often remain the most unappreciated and less engaged segments of the workforce. These workers, who are […]