Artificial Intelligence Future of Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Comms Profession Internal Communication Learning

Coverage | Inclusive Internal Communications

Pleased to share that my latest book Inclusive Internal Communications received coverage in a few publications. Strategic, the only online membership publication by PR experts for CEOs in the USA, UK and Ireland carried a story on their website. Hub News, a North East India media platform shared the news on their website: Bloggers Alliance: […]

Employee Advocacy Future of Internal Communications Inclusion Inclusive Internal Communications

3rd Book by Aniisu K Verghese – Inclusive Internal Communications Launched

Internal communications and change management expert Aniisu K Verghese Ph.D. has published a new book titled “Inclusive Internal Communications” that delves into the concept of inclusion from the perspective of staff as partners in communications and how it can help organizations achieve their goals. The book offers valuable guidance, tips, and tricks for internal communicators, […]

Culture Inclusive Internal Communications Risk Communication

Building a Culture of Risk Management: 7 Strategies for Effective Communication

The need for effective risk mitigation and control has never been more pressing, with data breaches and cyber-attacks becoming increasingly common. However, while organizations are prioritizing risk management, employees are feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the number of asks and expectations at work. This can lead to a breakdown in trust between staff and management, making it even […]

Future of Internal Communications Inclusion Inclusive Internal Communications Internal branding

How Inclusive is your Internal Communication?

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to interact with a bright group of communication professionals and exchange notes on a topic I advocate a lot – inclusive internal communications. At the Krakow City Connect Series organized by IABC EMENA and, hosted at the Shell office, we learned a bit about the role of IABC […]