Communication behaviors Communication Team Communication Team Hiring for Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

Six Signs of a High-Performing Internal Communications Team

What makes an internal communications team stand out? After my recent engagement with the ABB Process Automation’s Internal Communications team, I reflected on what does it take to get stronger as a function? It’s not just about delivering messages or managing channels. The best teams go beyond the basics. They have a mindset that drives […]

Future of Internal Communications Hiring for Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications Purpose purpose communication

Why Organizations Are Missing the Mark with Their Purpose Statements

Organizations spend significant time and resources crafting Purpose or Mission statements that encapsulate their vision, values, and strategic goals. Yet, despite these efforts, many companies fail to embed this Purpose meaningfully within their workforce. The disconnect isn’t in the formulation but in the execution—turning Purpose into a living, breathing part of the organization. Here’s why. […]

Future of Internal Communications Hiring for Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

Know the Most Important Person in your Organization? Maybe Internal Communications can Help

Internal communications play a pivotal role in determining the most important person within an organization. This identification is crucial because it helps streamline the flow of information by clarifying why, who, when, and what information should be shared and discussed. The key individual varies depending on the organization’s type, maturity, and whether it is process-driven […]

#ICList Communication Forums Future of Internal Communications Hiring for Internal Communications ICResource Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Communication Awards Internal Communication Certifications Internal Communication Conferences Internal Communication Programs

Internal Communications Resources (#ICResource) | Communication Forums

I have often been asked by communicators, students and people keen about communication forums that discuss and promote internal communications. Below is a working #ICResource list on #CommunicationForums that I put together for the benefit of the community. Take a glance and let me know what you think. Since these resources are from from an […]

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Future of Internal Communications Hiring for Internal Communications Internal Comms Internal Comms Careers Internal Comms FAQs Internal Comms Goals

Internal Communications Frequently Asked Questions

I am often asked questions about the role, expectations and even a for a typical job description for a senior leader in internal communications. I have compiled some of these questions and responses below. Feel free to share your views and ad questions you want answered. As a Senior Internal Comms Leader, the primary responsibility […]

Communication Goals Future of Internal Communications Hiring for Internal Communications How to set goals How to write objectives How to write OKrs Inclusive Internal Communications Internal Comms Internal Comms Careers Internal Comms Goals Internal Comms Profession Internal Communication Internal Communication OKRs Objective Setting Objectives and Key Results OKR

3 key factors to create effective Internal Communication OKRs. Get your FREE Template now!

Setting objectives is a crucial exercise for any employee (not just an internal communicator) to establish credibility and make a significant impact. According to research, you are 42% more likely to achieve objectives if they are written down. It is crucial for organizations to support employees set clearer objectives because without that there is little […]

Contract Worker Contracting Future of Internal Communications Gig Worker Hiring for Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

8 Tips to Navigate the World of Contracting in Employee Communications

Embarking on a contract role in employee communications can be both exciting and challenging. As a contract staffer, you play a vital role in keeping the communication wheels turning smoothly within an organization. In this blog, we’ll explore the key qualities that contracting employers look for and provide practical tips to ensure a successful stint […]

Future of Internal Communications Hiring for Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

Webinar on Inclusive Internal Communications | Next Level IC | Sept 14

Pleased to be running a webinar for my good friend Jonas Bladt Hansen, who curates a thriving forum called Next Level IC in Denmark. We have interacted numerous times and I am impressed by his knowledge and expertise in digital workplace communications and employee communications. My session will focus on how organizations can raise their […]

Future of Internal Communications Hiring for Internal Communications Inclusion Inclusive Internal Communications

Watch Inclusive Internal Communications webinar recording | SimplyIC

I had the opportunity to expand on the meaning of Inclusive Internal Communications and share real world examples of how it plays out at the workplace. Look up more details on SimplyIC’s community:

Hiring for Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications Interviewing

10 Tips to Unlock Success in Internal Communications Interviews. Download Free Checklist!

Navigating the world of internal communications interviews requires more than just a standard preparation routine. It demands a thoughtful approach, where self-reflection and keen awareness come together to create an authentic and compelling representation of yourself. In 2010, I wrote a blog on interviewing for internal communication roles which received a lot of attention. In […]