Business Partnering Future of Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

Business Partnering for Internal Communications? 5 Ways to Succeed

The role of internal communication professionals extends far beyond disseminating information. They’re expected to be strategic advisors, adept planners, and effective implementers. Yet, amidst managing processes and decoding policies, many internal communicators find themselves struggling to reach their full potential. This is where business partnering holds the promise of transforming internal communications from a support […]

Australia Business Acumen Business Enabler Business Networking Business Partnering Global Business Services India

How Have India-Australia Relations Evolved?

Recently, I had the privilege of witnessing the energy and enthusiasm of the ANZ India Business Chamber (ANZIBC) members during their Christmas networking event at the University of Wollongong Sydney campus. With about 100 participants in attendance, the event became a pivotal moment emphasizing the consolidation of enduring collaboration between Australia and India. The event, […]

Business Partnering Communication behaviors Employee Advocacy Staff as Communication Partners

Addressing Krakow Business School MBA Alumni | March 3, 2022

Pleased to share that I am speaking with Krakow Business School alumni on the topic ‘The Next Frontier – Employees as Communication Partners’. Here is a gist of what I will cover: Over decades the role of employee communication has evolved from informing to engagement; from listening to influencing outcomes. Today, there is increased […]

Business Acumen Business Partnering Future of Internal Communications Internal Communication

Video Interview | Dr. Edna Ayme-Yahil | Episode 56 | Giving Internal Communications the Respect It Deserves

Presenting the 56th edition of Intraskope’s Spotlight on Internal Communication Series featuring Dr. Edna Ayme-Yahil, Head – Communications, Brand and Sustainability at SITA. Dr. Edna is the founder of DigiComms (, a strategic marketing and communications agency. In her previous in-house role, she served as the SVP and Head of Marketing and Communications at Panalpina. She is a former […]

Business Acumen Business Enabler Business Partnering Internal Communication

Spotlight on Business Acumen | Edition #10 | Erik S. Meyers | Communicator, Digital Entrepreneur, IT Mentor and Author

Welcome to the 10th edition of Intraskope’s Spotlight Series featuring Erik S. Meyers, a communications leader, entrepreneur and author who currently lives and works in Germany, although is originally from the United States. Business Acumen is often considered a given in any role. Or it is? Why does it matter? How can you gain business […]

Business Partnering Communication Processes Culture Digital Workplace

5 Ways to Effectively Close the Loop with Your Stakeholders

Completed a campaign and moving on to the next? Did you take the time to seek feedback and share a campaign summary? If yes, you have just added more points to your credibility quotient. Closing the loop with stakeholders and actively seeking feedback can help you learn from initiatives, appreciate how they perceived your work […]

Business Partnering Communication Content Communication Processes Employee Brand Internal Communication

Guest Blog & Interview | Sushma Joshi | How Internal Communicators Can Shift the Dial from Order Takers to Strategic Partners

Can internal communication get the respect it deserves? Is it possible for communicators to take a strategic view of the impact they do? How can the function rise above the continual asks for support to create a distinctive identity for the business? These and other pertinent questions are covered in a thought-provoking blog post by […]