Contract Worker Contracting Future of Internal Communications Gig Worker Hiring for Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

8 Tips to Navigate the World of Contracting in Employee Communications

Embarking on a contract role in employee communications can be both exciting and challenging. As a contract staffer, you play a vital role in keeping the communication wheels turning smoothly within an organization. In this blog, we’ll explore the key qualities that contracting employers look for and provide practical tips to ensure a successful stint […]

Charity communications Newsletter not for profit communications

Not-For-Profit Communications 101 | 7 Tips for Building a Meaningful Newsletter

Effective communication lies at the heart of a successful not-for-profit association. Having worked closely with a few nonprofits pro-bono and in-house in Poland and India (including starting a road safety charity), I believe there are opportunities for nonprofits to communicate better through their newsletters. A well-designed newsletter can play a vital role in informing members, […]

Charity communications Digital Communication Digital Media Internal Digital Strategy not for profit not for profit communications

Not-For-Profit Communications 101 | Maximizing your digital impact insights

Harnessing the potential of the digital landscape has become crucial for not-for-profit organizations seeking to make a meaningful impact on stakeholders. As communication professionals and leaders in the not-for-profit sector, you understand the value of leveraging social media platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, as well as maintaining an engaging website. To differentiate your […]

Employee Communications Enterprise Social Networks Intranet Usability

6 insights from the intranet journey | Meetup | Feb 6

Pleased to be presenting my thoughts on the Microsoft 365 User Group Meetup on Feb 6 in Australia. After spending a couple of decades handling intranets and enterprise social networks, I have distilled perspectives on how to make such platforms work for the users and for the organizations. Hear more when I chat to the […]

Australia Business Communication Business Networking Culture Start Stop Continue

Connecting Across Cultures | Navigating the Six Archetypes in a New Country

Embarking on a journey in a new country is a challenging endeavor, particularly when faced with the daunting task of discerning whose guidance to trust and which advice to heed. It’s easy to fall into the belief that every encounter holds the promise of well-intentioned support. However, a note of caution is essential. Allow me […]

Australia Change Management Culture Future of Internal Communications Inclusive Internal Communications

The New Work Ecosystem in 2024 | Can Internal Communicators Step Up?

Here’s wishing my readers a blessed New Year! This is Edition #101 of my newsletter. Thank you for your support and encouragement. As the world of work continues its transformative journey in 2024 – embracing hybrid and gig working, navigating the complexities of multigenerational teams, and contending with the pervasive influence of AI – internal […]

AI Business Communication CEO Communications Communication alignment Communication Preparedness ESG Innovation

No do-overs: Communications challenges CEOs need to nail in 2024 By Global Commtrepreneurs Network

First published on: I am delighted to co-author a timely article on the need for CEOs to revisit their approach in 2024 or face an existential crisis. Read on and share your comments. “There are no second chances in life, except to feel remorse.”– Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Spanish novelist. This proved to be an […]

Australia Business Acumen Business Enabler Business Networking Business Partnering Global Business Services India

How Have India-Australia Relations Evolved?

Recently, I had the privilege of witnessing the energy and enthusiasm of the ANZ India Business Chamber (ANZIBC) members during their Christmas networking event at the University of Wollongong Sydney campus. With about 100 participants in attendance, the event became a pivotal moment emphasizing the consolidation of enduring collaboration between Australia and India. The event, […]

Australia Celsius 100 Consulting Consulting Internal branding Sydney

Press Note | My engagement with Celsius 100 Consulting

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Global Internal Communications Leader Aniisu K. Verghese, Ph.D., Establishes Permanent Base in Sydney, Australia. While Continuously Engaging with Leading Consultancies Including Celsius 100 Consulting SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA – November 25, 2023      Dr. Aniisu K. Verghese, an internal communications and personal branding expert, author, and Prosci® Certified Change Management Practitioner, has recently made Sydney, […]