Take 2. After discovering the event first hand earlier this week, I attended two more sessions of the Social Media Week and here is the update. I enjoyed the engaging address by Dhimant Parekh – Founder, The Better India who shared stories of his journey in ‘Driving Positive Change Through Social Change’. Took away many […]
Author: adminuser
If Your Culture Isn’t Open To Feedback, Stay Away from Social Media
Yesterday, I attended three sessions at the 2015 Social Media Week in Bangalore and came away with more questions than answers on how this evolving domain is viewed by agencies, brands and consumers. #SMW15 Here are a sample of questions that audiences raised while three leaders from digital agencies explained integrating social media with communication, […]
How To Get Your CEO To Be An Active Communicator
Have a new CEO in the role and find it tough to get the leader to engage widely? Unable to get buy-in on your leader communication plan? Keen to nudge your CEO along as you make your communication current and relevant? Here are a few approaches that might help turn your leader around to what […]
Brand Your Employees, Not Your Organization
Consider these trends: 92% of employees’ social connections don’t follow the brand they work for Shares on social media by employees has an impact of 8 times than those done by companies About 33% of employees post messages, videos and pictures on social media about their employer without any encouragement from the employer. 65% of […]
Communicators, Step Up and Be Counted
On January 29, 2015 communicators from different industries converged for NASSCOM’s first ever Marketing & Communications Forum at Bangalore to exchange ideas and discuss key issues concerning the fraternity. A keynote by Santhosh Kumar –President & Managing Director, Texas Instruments followed opening remarks by the forum chair. The day had three broad topics – a) […]
Can’t Communicators Draw Audiences?
Ganesh, Juliet, Banu and Madhu belong to a communication network Sync and lead corporate communications at various organizations in the country. This network is like other networks anywhere in the world – that brings like-minded professionals to connect, engage and learn from each other. The group often faced common situations at work that needed resolution […]
Why Every Communication Forum Needs A Mentorship Program
Be it in an advanced market or an emerging region there is always a need to help communicators get better at what they do. While training initiatives and workshops can provide a bit of learning the much needed boost that every communicator can do with is often within every communication forum. If you have wondered […]
What Does The Future Hold For Internal Communication? Look Up These Predictions
I recently shared 5 trends that will shape internal communication in 2015 and beyond. My predictions for 2015 are: The internal communication function will operate as a ‘start-up’. That will mean working with less, managing ambiguity, constantly evaluating trends, staying ‘boundaryless’, operating with limited budgets and taking calculated risks. It will also expect the internal […]
Tap Employees To Build Your Brand: Key Take-Aways From Communication Forum
Today I attended one half of the Global Communication Association’s 9th India conference at Bangalore and came away impressed by how well communicators were adapting to the changes shaping our world. Great to have connected with my peers and communication leaders who engaged in meaningful panel discussions and presentations. A hat tip to Krishna Mariyanka […]
Intraskope's 2014 in Review
The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for my blog. Here’s an excerpt: The concert hall at the Sydney Opera House holds 2,700 people. This blog was viewed about 12,000 times in 2014. If it were a concert at Sydney Opera House, it would take about 4 sold-out performances for that many […]